Team Rowan Robolution Ready to Compete at LD East Robotics Competition

     It has been with much work and thought that our students prepare for this robotics final competition.  Students spent countless hours building the field and robot. Later we made many changes to better perform.  At the competitions students demonstrate their driving skills with 30 seconds on the clock. Two students drive for a total of one minute and points are then counted. It is a very limited time to compete which leaves small room for mistakes and requires much focus and skill.
     Our team consist of various fourth grade students in general education and special education. Our school has been competing in the LDEast Vex IQ Competitions since 2018.  We have been awarded best video production(2020) and our latest finals placement was 10th place at Boyle Heights STEM Academy 2023.
We have ranked under 20 for practices. Our goal is to be better than 10th place this year. Finals are scheduled for Friday, January 19, 2024. We are eager to represent our school and continue to grow in engineering and technology.